Sunshine in My Pocket

Sunshine in My Pocket

Have you ever wished you could carry an emergency supply of sunshine in your pocket? You know, just enough to brighten the day when the clouds come? Or, carry some happiness left over from another time, to overcome any wayward feelings of sadness?  This morning is a bright, sunshiny day. A little frost whitens roofs […]

Conclusion–The Christmas Barn

Conclusion–The Christmas Barn

The cold wind blew their leaves away. The three friends shivered and wished for day. “We can’t just do nothing,” the raccoon said. “Come on, squirrel and chipmunk. Let’s go  a bit farther. Maybe we’ll find food.”      Sighing, the squirrel straightened up and took Chipmunk’s hand. On they went, through the cold night. They […]

The Christmas Barn

The Christmas Barn

What with one thing and another, I didn’t get this children’s story up before Christmas, so here it is now, only a couple of weeks late. Heh heh. Half today and half tomorrow; it’s kind of long. The Christmas Barn The 200-year old barn was empty and lonely. No longer did horses stamp their feet […]

Goose Summer

Goose Summer

From The Heritage of Etta Bend by Susie Latty Day. Time: around 1918, Place: the Latty Farm. In the fall come rare, sparkling days that are warm and bright, with very little wind, when nature seems to savor the last remnants of summer. Spider webs break loose from their moorings and float through the air, […]

Dogs and Cats

Dogs and Cats

What do dogs and cats know that we don’t? If you have a pet, you’ve probably wondered, just as I have. Sometimes, Nemo’s ears will perk up and he’ll be on alert, looking toward the window or door. His wonderful senses, especially ears and nose clue him in to a lot that’s going on outside […]

So Long, September

So Long, September

Preparation Shy and busy meadow mouse, Scamper to your tunnel house. Something in the wind says, “scurry”, Seasons change, it’s time to hurry. Days grow short and nights grow cold; Eat as much as you can hold. Tunnel down and burrow deep; Pass the winter wrapped in sleep.               […]