Ancestors are fascinating people. You have them. I have them. Each ancestor has a story and, from their stories, we arrive and write our own stories to pass on. I’ve always been fascinated by past generations. Finding out more about how they lived, what they considered important, how they spent their days is an engrossing […]

Is Summer in Your Soul?
“For him in vain the envious seasons roll Who bears eternal summer in his soul.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes, The Old Player Is summer in your soul? Is it in mine? I mean the best parts of summer–barefoot days, bees busy in the clover, blue skies studded with white puffs of clouds. I’d like to keep […]

Flu Figured in History and In Mystery Too
·Flu is hitting hard this winter, according to all reports. Seems it has plagued mankind for a long time and was especially bad in 1918. I remember my mother talking about that time. Interestingly, it played a strategic part in Darcy Campbell’s past and even figured in her genealogy. How? Well, it’s all there in […]