Independence Day is coming up, when we celebrate our freedom. But, what is freedom? We can’t see it; we see only the results of it. We can’t hold it in our hands yet it is bought at a great price. It seems that so many things that are vital to life and happiness are invisible […]

Danger From Within
Today’s post is my opinion on what I see happening. My opinion is the only one I have. If you think it may offend you, please read no further. I am more than a little concerned about all the dissent around us. None of us remembers the American Civil War. Even our great-grandparents were born […]

Star Spangled Cat
·In honor of Flag Day, this is a re-run of a recent post. Star Spangled Cat By Blanche Day Manos “What?” I screeched. “Go to sea? Are you crazy?” Every one of my gray and white hairs stood straight up. Reggie laughed. “You look like a bottle brush, old chap,” he said. “You’ll love the […]

Remembering the Sacrifice
·This is D-Day. It happened in 1944, a lot of years ago, a hellish time for the men who landed on the beaches of Normandy. Thousands died, many miles from home; young men who stood between us and tyranny. Because of them, I am able to enjoy watching my grandchildren grow up in a free […]

·My brothers, Thurman, Tracy, and Richard, my brother-in-law Ray served in the Navy; my husband in the Army; my nephew Clint joined the Marines. They all came back home, all except Clint. We lost him to an awful place called Viet Nam. I think of Clint often and especially on Memorial Day. The United States […]