What if your small hometown had always seemed placid, peaceful, filled with honest and hard-working people, but you suddenly found that beneath this calm exterior, a deadly secret threatened your life? What would you do? Ned McNeil is faced with this decision in each of her four cozy mysteries, in Moonlight Can Be Murder when […]

Therapeutic Snipping
·My back yard looks a whole lot neater. Yesterday, I wheeled my trusty wheelbarrow into position, took the snippers and started clipping and picking up and stacking. Dead wood, odd bits of tree limbs, a rose trellis that had seen better days, it all went into the wheelbarrow. Now, to get it to the curb […]

Some Turn to Writing
·In this enforced alone time, some of us turn to writing. I highly recommend it. If you aren’t a writer, you can become one! You really need to keep an account of your daily activities because, guess what? This won’t last. There’s light at the end of the tunnel. Last spring, I’d never have […]

Growing Older
·I have a sun dial in my flower garden. On it is an inscription from a poem by Robert Browning, “Grow Old Along With Me; The Best Is Yet To Be.” I’ve always liked that line. I suppose Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning had a wonderful marriage and did grow old together. Some […]

A Little Cedar and a Big Storm
·Fierce winds tugged at Little Cedar. His scrawny boughs bent and swayed but he dug his roots deeper and hung onto the rock buried beneath the mountain soil. “The wind is so cold,” said Little Cedar. He shivered from his topmost limb to the bottom of his twisted trunk. “It must be nearly Christmas […]

So, Can You Solve This Mystery?
·Life is full of unresolved mysteries. Some things cannot be explained; at least, they haven’t been explained yet. One such mystery is the Bermuda triangle. This Day in History ran that story today. It occurred December 5, 1945. What do you think happened? If you have a theory, I’d like to hear it. Me? I […]