It’s funny the way some simple thing will trigger a memory from long ago. This morning, as I measured water for the coffee pot, I remembered my junior high science teacher. (I told you it was long ago.) The thing I recall now, after all those years is Mr. Wasson’s gravelly voice and the […]

What To Do with Endings
·This morning as I look out at a dark, damp world and the beginning of a new day, with another school year fast approaching, I think of beginnings. And, endings. July has ended, another summer is nearly gone and August is here–the month when schools start and teachers and children troop back to the classroom. […]

The Noise of the Celebration
Firecrackers! Sky rockets! Light up the July sky! It’s celebration time. Moonstruck and Murderous is on Amazon, ready to go onto library shelves, eager hands, and your home. The print version is available now, but the ebook is sure to follow shortly. If you haven’t been to and taken a peek, now’s the time. […]
The Girl and the Grumpy Old Goat
·When I was a child, my parents, younger brother and I lived for a time on a farm far back in the woods. Trees and bushes and thickets surrounded our house and barn. This is the same place that had the long driveway which was a good race track for a black horse and me. […]