Chapter 4 Miss Georgia surely did enjoy her Sunday School class of women, all of them being about her and Abigail’s age. If truth be known, she particularly enjoyed the socializing that took place before Priss Butters began to expound the Scriptures. Before Miss Georgia joined the class, Abigail said, things were a lot […]

A Safe Place
·There are times for everyone when we need some place to be that is safe and lets us escape from reality for just a bit. It’s a place we can depend on, always at hand and easy to reach, where we can settle in and take a short break from stress or worry of any […]

Big Time Disappointment
·Oh, frustration! As when a book stops and you don’t like the ending, I watched episode twenty-seven of searching for the Dutchman’s gold and couldn’t believe it. No, no, no. Surely, that wasn’t all. The last episode was the best of all. The five intrepid hunters approached the mountain from a river. Beautiful scenery. Wild, […]

With Pen in Hand
·What would life be if I weren’t able to write about it? So many things to see and think about, so many conflicting emotions in one day’s time, lots of beauty, comments from others, questions about why people or things are as they are–I’d probably be like a boiling pot–I’d spill right over the edge, […]

Mother and Daughter Detectives
·I’ve heard women say, “I don’t want to become my mother as I grow older.” What? How sad. If someone tells me I’m like my mom, I consider it a huge compliment. My mother and I were best friends. I think you’d have liked her. If you never had that privilege, you can get just […]