Our family has the tradition of lighting Advent candles on the Sundays before Christmas, then reading Scripture. The soft glow of the candle is peaceful and silent but it reflects a powerful message of hope and love. I wish that our world would stop for a moment and absorb this quietness and peace. Doesn’t Scripture […]
·Christmas is a time for traditions. One that I particularly like is lighting the Advent calendars. We started this practice several years ago. A grandchild lights a candle each Sunday leading up to Christmas as we read the appropriate Scripture and discuss the meaning of the four words and four candles, Hope, Peace, Joy, Love. […]
Quiet Thoughts
·Our family has the tradition of lighting Advent candles on the Sundays before Christmas, then reading Scripture. The soft glow of the candle is peaceful and silent but it reflects a powerful message of hope and love. As Henry Wadsworth Longfellow said, “For hate is strong, And mocks the song Of peace on earth, good-will […]

The Mystery of the Missing Centerpiece
·It’s a pretty Christmas centerpiece: large bowl, candle inside, greenery around. I like it a lot. But, three years ago, when I put away Christmas decorations after the big day, I did an especially good job putting this centerpiece in a safe place where the bowl wouldn’t get broken. The question is: where? I haven’t […]