That title is not exactly right because a soliloquy is talking to oneself and, although in a way I’m doing that, I’m also sharing with you, my visitors. Anyhow, I was just wondering why people do, say, act, as they do. And, of course, no one acts the same in every circumstance. But it seems to me that at the root of it all is love–either sharing love, looking for love, needing acceptance, or expressing a great dearth in the lack of love in a person’s life. So, there! That sounds confusing and profound maybe, but it’s not. It’s very simple.
We know that children need love in order to grow normally. Love makes a child blossom sort of like rain and sun on flowers. Adults need to feel loved too and accepted and valued. Sometimes insecurities or a need for acceptance by peers causes people to act and speak out of character and believe me, there’s nothing more uncomfortable than trying to be someone I’m not.
Knowing that parents love us results in valuing ourselves, in accepting who we are and being okay with that. For example, I’m just me, an antique person with country ways and speech and values but I like that. A line from an old sit-com, “I’m me and you’re you and that’s why I love you like I do.”
After all that rambling and, I guess, after all it was a soliloquy, I have good news to share from my publisher, Pennell Publishing. The Darcy and Flora cozy trio is now available at BarnesandNoble as ebooks. Just click on
And I invite you to go to Pennell’s website, and check out all the captivating books by talented authors.
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