Stumbling, Staggering, or Standing?

Here’s a question for you: Suppose it’s night and you are sitting in a lighted room. You open the door. Does the night outside of the door become lighter or the light inside the room become darker? In other words, does light spill into the night or does the darkness spill into the lighted room? (I guess that’s two questions.)

Fran’s retreats always stir my thoughts and imagination. Yesterday’s fall retreat caused me to think and evaluate my own faith and to come out stronger. Her question at the top of our notes was, “Are You Walking in the Light or Stumbling in the Dark?”

Sad to say, I am not the world’s most graceful creature. With no light on at night, I am prone to bump into furniture, stumble over footstools and generally, stagger my way to the light switch. I need light!

“He reveals deep and hidden things; He knows what lies in darkness, and light dwells with Him” (Daniel 2:22). In the Bible, dark represents wrong-doing, sin, things we want to keep hidden; light represents truth and freedom from the darkness. We can see where we’re going in the light. In the darkness, we stumble.

Thirteen friendly ladies filled Fran’s bright house yesterday. We chatted as we sat around the breakfast table; we watched a thought-provoking video, we delved into God’s Word. After that, Fran served lunch and there was a time of sharing .

Here are just a few ideas I jotted down: Good people can be deceived; examine everything carefully. See things in the light of the Lord. Repentance is not only being sorry for my behavior, but changing my behavior. Remorse is not the same as repentance. (Judas was remorseful.)

On this chilly fall day (it is forty-seven degrees this morning) I am thankful for that time of encouragement at Fran’s. We all face dark days, fearful days and nights, but with God’s light inside us and leading us, we don’t have to be afraid. We don’t have to stumble or stagger but we can stand firmly on our faith in the Lord.




  1. Blanche, I’m thanking God for your response to the retreat! He’s faithful and always knows what we need, doesn’t He?
    Your beautiful piano playing was a blessing to all of us, thank you again!

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