Did the Scorpion Wear Shoes?

Did the Scorpion Wear Shoes?

Admittedly, I just glanced at the news article and didn’t read the whole thing but evidently some scientists recently discovered ancient, I mean really ancient scorpions once had feet. So, that’s the question that popped into my mind–did they also wear shoes? If they did, now that would be news-worthy!

I probably need a few more cups of coffee this morning because there are times when a fog of goofiness has me in its grip. This may be one of those days.

Would you believe that beside the mailbox, some eager beaver jonquils are poking through the ground? What makes them pop up so early? We’re bound to have snow, ice, cold, shivery rain and yet there they are, hopefully and bravely raising those first signs of approaching spring.

Must be the squirrels have something like that in mind too. The other day, Nathan and I saw a squirrel with a brown leaf between her paws. She rubbed that leaf as if she were testing it to see if it was soft enough for a nest, or perhaps she was listening to it crackle. Maybe she was the same squirrel who tried to drag a huge stick up the maple tree the other day either for a Christmas tree or a support for her house.

So far, the red birds show no sign of thinking of spring. When nesting is under way, a male cardinal will often feed the female. It’s sweet to see him offer her a choice sunflower seed.

My Granny Day used to say that the birds choose their mates on Valentine’s Day. Whether it’s actually on February 14 or not, it must be about that time and it’s a very nice thought, much more important than whether scorpions used to have feet. By the way, if they did, where did those feet go and why? One of life’s mysteries!

http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=blanche+day+manos  99 cent books.

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