Doing something really dumb is not always confined to the human race. Have you ever done the right thing but chosen the wrong place to do it? Sometimes we all goof, even our wild, feathered friends. Yesterday, I was checking out my water fountain and there, floating in the pool, was the broken shell of a robin’s egg. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Did a robin mistake the pool for a nest? There was no nest in the shrub above the pool, so the egg didn’t accidentally fall in. Dreading to find a drowned baby bird in the small pool, I searched further. No bird, just the small, round yolk. I dipped both shell and yolk from the water and went for my camera.
Checking the toad’s house, I found no one in residence. No, I didn’t think I’d find the mixed-up robin, but I was hoping that a toad would decide to move in and maybe dine on our prime and very healthy mosquitoes.
The peonies are in bloom, everything is going along as it should, except somewhere in the yard is a robin with a brain that may be slightly askew. What will she do next? Robins are earnest little birds, eternally optimistic with their cheery early morning song. They are devoted mothers but not really great at house building, as is witnessed by baby robins that fall from those nests each spring. Maybe an older, wiser robin will take this confused one aside and explain that although water is great for drinking and bathing, it’s not the best material for making a nest. I’m sure her motives were good; she did the right thing, the thing that robins are supposed to do, but she picked the wrong place in which to do it.
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