A Record in the Snow

A Record in the Snow

A few inches of snow, a few inches of ice. Before you go walking, better think twice!

It is a balmy five degrees this morning! And, the weatherman hit the nail on the head–right after the sleet stopped, snow began. Needless to say, schools are closed and yesterday, many churches were closed. It was a good day for staying inside, enjoying a warm meal with my family, and reading and discussing God’s Word–which we did.

My neighbor’s porch light casts a golden glow across the snow. It is truly peaceful-looking and beautiful. It could be an illustration for the Scripture this morning, Colossians 3:12-17. Christians are beloved of God, so we must show to others that He lives within us. We are to put on mercies, kindness, humbleness, meekness, longsuffering. We must forgive each other and not quarrel but above all else, we must show charity or love.  Just as the snow covers the grayness of winter, transforming the world into a lovely place, so does God’s Word change us.

The picture of my deck this morning shows my dog’s footprints, going out of the house and coming in. At the end of the day, if I got out in the snow and prowled around, I would see a record of who had been in my yard and perhaps, why. My dog will undoubtedly leave  more prints, the birds will come to the feeder and the sunflower seeds on the ground. There’ll be plenty of squirrel prints as those bushy-tailed marauders jump through the snow. Figuratively speaking, as I look back at where I have been, as day draws to a close, will I be contented with the record written there?


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