Two More Days Until the Launch of Grave Heritage!
I am pleased to announce this morning, that I am a guest on Janet K. Brown’s blog site. I hope you’ll drop in for a visit. Thanks, Janet, for the opportunity to guest on your blog.
Yesterday was a little of this and a bit of that. I wandered through the day feeling like a ramblin’ rose. I walked over to Peg’s for a minute and on the way back, took some pictures of the container garden out front. Remember when Dawn started it, years ago? The garden has certainly flourished and is so much the better for Fran’s gift of flowers. I didn’t know a red sweet potato vine would bloom, did you? Well, it did. And looked really pretty.
Anyway, I snapped some pictures and then I heard thunder!
We had rain, sunshine, thunder, which wouldn’t have been that unusual except all three things were happening at the same time! I had thought only in Oklahoma could we have such strange weather but I guess Arkansas isn’t immune to strangeness either.
While I was out, I bumped into a spider web and the spider was home! Not realizing I wasn’t alone until I looked down at said arachnid valiantly climbing his silky ladder toward my hand, I beat a hasty retreat to return him to the wilds.
Grave Heritage makes its debut Monday, September 19. I feel sort of like a proud parent introducing her child to her family. Fidgety, happy, anxious, all those things at the same time, sort of like yesterday’s weather. Time for pre-orders is growing mighty short. Please take time to write a review after reading. Reviews don’t have to be long; a couple of sentences is fine and would be greatly appreciated!
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