
A dark, rainy morning. Thankfully, we’ve missed the vicious storms that hit Iowa and other places. My heart goes out to those people. A robin is cheerfully proclaiming a new day, maybe thinking of all the earthworms that will come tunneling to the top to keep from being drowned. As a hard shower started a bit earlier, I saw two small birds winging their way quickly into my black mulberry tree whose spreading limbs and thick leaves offered a shelter.

I’m grateful for the rain. My herbs and flowers are grateful too. I have yet to plant the red begonia and, since it likes a shady spot, I may put it in the back yard with the fern and hosta. I enjoy a rainy spring morning, as long as the tornadoes, hail, and wind don’t materialize here or elsewhere.



  1. Nice! I have planted a few of the plants I started in my greenhouse, but it seems that if it isn’t raining, and I don’t have to take someone to a dr. appointment, then I’m sick. Yuck. But as long as we don’t have any severe weather, the thunder and rain are kind of comforting.

    • Yes, the thunder and rain are comforting. Thanks for writing, Linda. We’ll get those plants out one of these days.

  2. Kimberly says

    The world does feel refreshed and renewed! Thanks, Blanche.

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