Puzzled as Puppies

Puzzled as Puppies

I was sitting on my deck this morning, watching yellow redbud leaves drift slowly down and I had a distinct urge to put those leaves back on the tree, saying, No, it’s not that time yet! I was reminded of the Little Golden Book, The Four Puppies. If you haven’t read that book, you’re missing a treat. Yes, it’s a children’s book, but some of my favorites are children’s books.

The Four Puppies is about the change of the seasons. With each change, the four puppies are puzzled and try to put leaves back on the trees, or whatever they think will bring back the previous season, because they are familiar with it.

Well, I’m familiar with fall and I do like this cool weather and the promise of rain, but unlike those puppies, I know what’s coming next and I’ll confess I’m not all that ecstatic about winter!

Anyway, those were my thoughts while I sat on the deck watching the leaves and hoping the hummingbirds would come to the newly-refilled and clean feeder.

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