A Pretty Good Deal

A Pretty Good Deal

What is missing in the scene below this paragraph? Why, you are, of course! Today is the day you can order Grave Shift, as an ebook,  free, on Amazon. I hope you give it a try and then put yourself in a comfortable chair, pour a cup of coffee, and settle down with your tablet or ebook reader to delve into the adventures of Darcy Campbell and Flora Tucker in Levi, Oklahoma.

003While we’re on the subject of freebies, yesterday was a special day for a different reason, pretty far removed from writing. Dawn, the children, and I went to a friend’s house and picked apples. The weather was perfect. Arkansas-blue sky arched above us and the boughs of the trees bent low with apples. We picked up apples from the ground, plucked them from low-hanging limbs, and watched as Janet’s husband climbed a ladder and shook the branches, sending apples cascading down. We felt rich as kings with a wealth of red, juicy fruit. Now Dawn and I will make apple butter and maybe freeze a few. A good apple pie with flaky crust hot from the oven will be just right for lunch tomorrow. I’m the only one in my family who likes cheese on apple pie. Not sure why, but cheese and apple pie just seem to go together. Do any of the readers of this blog agree with me?

Thrilling, Chilling, and Heart Filling

(I probably should not even claim this but let me at least say that it was written tongue-in-cheek.)

The writer of the mystery

Has found a place in history.

There’s Poe and Christy, Hart and Clark

Whose expertise has left its mark.

Though insignificant and small,

My books are listed with them all

It gives this writer’s heart a lift

To see on Amazon my book,  Grave Shift.


Don’t forget, this promotional is for one day only, Grave Shift, free in ebook form from amazon.com.



  1. I like cheese on my apple pie too. Just haven’t had it that way in a LONG time. Maybe today is the day then?

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