No Pecksniffians Allowed

No Pecksniffians Allowed

I found Mom’s old yellow coffee pot on the counter in the kitchen. By the time she appeared, I was warming my hands around a steaming cup. I poured her a mugful.”

“She pulled the coffee canister off the shelf. To her way of thinking, in all times of stress, coffee helped restore normalcy.”

“I took a sip of coffee and felt it burn all the way down. A definite eye-opener.”

“My mother poured coffee for all of us as we sat around her kitchen table.”

“Mom scooted the yellow pot across the table. ‘Grant, I just know you need some more.’ Grant shrugged, picked up the pot, and poured a cupful.

“I poured two cups of steaming brew, set one cup in front of her and warmed my hands around the other as I sat down.”

These are just a few of the times coffee helps grease the wheels of justice in the three Darcy/Flora cozy mysteries. Throughout the series, from the first book, The Cemetery Club, on to the second, Grave Shift, and the third cozy, Best Left Buried, Darcy and Flora sit down at the cherry wood table, sip a cup of hot Folgers, and try to make sense of the nefarious goings on.

And today, being the day for a meeting of the Cozy Critiquers, we lovers of inspirational articles, books, and poetry, will sit down at the cherry wood table, sip coffee or tea, munch cookies, and delve into the intriguing and sometimes mysterious world of words. One of those critiquers, I’m happy to say, is my next-door neighbor Peg. Yesterday, as we visited over the backyard fence, I confessed to her that I don’t know how a writer could do her best work without a group of critiquers to listen, suggest, and encourage. And, I firmly believe that the Cozy Critters are the best.

By the way, as an aside, let me remind you that I love words. So, here’s one for you to try out: pecksniffian. But, be careful how you use it. It could cause you to be looked upon askance. Just let me say you should never have a pecksniffian attitude and if someone gives you a pecksniffian look or smile, try to ignore it.

May your day be blessed with several cups of aromatic, hot coffee, an engrossing  book, and good friends to share laughter, love, and a plate of cookies!




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