Over the Back Yard Fence

Over the Back Yard Fence

Feelings are aired and problems are shared over the back yard fence. Do we need fewer privacy fences and more of the picket and chain link variety? Just a thought. Privacy fences are good for–well–privacy. The other kind is good for getting to know your neighbor.

Yesterday, Peg and I happened to be in our yards at the same time. So, leaning on our mutual fence, we talked about flowers and yards and unimportant stuff, but then, I started thinking about fences. What if we had a national “Go chat with your neighbor over the back yard fence” day? Would people be happier, problems solved or at least voiced; would a fence chat day help make a peaceful neighborhood, a more peaceful nation, a quieter, saner world?

Usually, people go to work, disappear inside their houses, and the only time neighbor sees neighbor is when they get in their cars to go back to work. Sounds sort of boring and humdrum, doesn’t it? People usually have more in common than they have differences, but you have to give friendship a chance. I don’t think being stand-offish or easily offended ever made many friends, did it?

These are just some of my idle thoughts this morning as I sip my second cup of Folgers and look out of my window on the world. The maple has at last shed all of its last autumn’s leaves and is fully dressed in a lovely, fresh green. The black branches among all that greenery are beautiful. 

A black bird hops onto the mail box post and a squirrel hides beneath it. A robin comes over to see what’s so interesting. The robin is a nosy little bird, poking his beak into the black bird’s and squirrel’s business. He is evidently a mystery writer, following clues that he can include in his latest cozy. 

Ned, Darcy, and Flora are friendly people who love to have good, long talks with neighbors or at least, say a cheery, “Good morning.” But, they are also downright nosy–like the robin, only more so. Curiosity is good but it can get you into trouble. Just ask these women. They know. They land right in the middle of some big problems, but, you’ll be happy to know, they have, so far, gotten themselves out. I’ve written about a few of their escapades in my Manos Meadows cozy mysteries. Come to think of it, I guess I have a goodly share of curiosity (not nosiness) too.



  1. Susan Bernhardt says

    Back in the good old days, neighbors did visit each other in their backyards, be it over fences, low hedges, or at an arm’s length. I bet if there was a “Go chat with your neighbor over the back yard fence day”, the world would be a better place.

    Great post, Blanche and tie in to your mysteries. 🙂

    • Thank you for writing, Susan. Yes, I think conversations would help the world be a better place, a discussion of ideas and reasons and giving other people the benefit of the doubt.

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