Last night, the sky was clear and the temperature took a plunge downward. What does a cozy mystery writer or a cozy mystery reader do on a night like this? Read, of course, or write! In this slice of Moonlight Can Be Murder, Ned takes a wild, icy ride which nearly ends in disaster. A killer is close behind her as she runs for her life.
Annabelle tugged me onto the porch and I turned to lock the door.
“You don’t have time!” she screamed. “Forget the door!”
“Gotta lock it,” I muttered. “I don’t want somebody hiding inside.”
Running to the Escape, I slipped on the icy sidewalk and regained my balance barely in time to keep from landing on my face. Annabelle dashed to the passenger door, yanked it open, and fell inside. I jumped in, started the engine, turned the SUV around and sped down the driveway. If Verm got to the long lane leading to the house before we reached the street, our only exit would be blocked.
Without slowing, I wrenched the steering wheel to the right and slid around the corner of the driveway onto the street.
“We made it!” I breathed, relief flooding me. “We’re on our way to the station.”
The icy conditions were evidently keeping many drivers inside their houses today. The street seemed deserted.
“Hurry!” Annabelle said. “Drive faster, Nettie!”
Good adv ice, but the snow/sleet mixture had frozen on the pavement, making it hard to keep the car on the road. Lights glinted in my rearview mirror and I glanced behind me. A gray sedan was approaching fast.
My lips felt stiff. “I thought you had a light-colored truck,” I said to Annabelle. “Does Moe, by chance, have a car?”
She shook her head. “No. There’s only the truck. Why?”
“Because a car is following us and it’s not light-colored and it’s not a truck. Look out!”
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