

If I were a poet of a few years ago, I would call the sky “gray and lowering”. A day of ominousity. No, not animosity–ominousity. It is a perfect day for putting a mystery writer in a mood to write dark and creepy foreshadowings. 089Why is it such a morning? Well, it’s cloudy and quiet and there’s not much wind. It’s as if the morning is holding its breath, waiting for something to happen. But, being a writer, I may be exaggerating and over-reacting to a simple precursor of rain.

The morning dog walker and her furry charge just now strode up the hill. My first cup of Folger’s is hot, strong, and satisfying, and I want to tell you about a page-turner of a book.

I’ve just finished reading Mignon F. Ballard’s The Slightly Bewildered Angel. In this, her latest book, Mignon has combined two of her protagonists, Miss Dimple and Augusta Goodnight. In her Miss Dimple series, I got to know all the people at the boarding house and like them. In the Augusta Goodnight, Angel series, I loved the angel who came to earth to help people. All Mignon’s books are super, but I think I’ve enjoyed this one most of all. 009When I neared the end, I was torn between wanting to see how it finished and not wanting it to finish at all.

The countdown nears to the launch of Grave Heritage. Although this is my fifth book, I am, nevertheless, amazed at the time and effort involved in getting it to see the light of day.

It could be that I have mistaken the simple quiet of a cloudy Sunday morning for ominousity. Now, it is seeming more peaceful than ominous. I much prefer that, don’t you?


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