Noises of the Morning

Noises of the Morning

To start off with, I probably need to print a retraction (don’t  newspapers do that regularly?) I think the temperature yesterday may have been more like 50s instead of 40s. Probably my eyes were a bit sleepy when I glanced at the computer news. This morning the weather person assures me the temperature is 56 and that’s fine with me. This is the third day of fall, after all, if we count Sunday as the first day.

The morning seems very quiet, but upon closer listening, it’s not quiet at all. From downtown comes the rumble of the train as it pulls into town.  There’s another roar; it’s  muted, but it’s there. The sound of tires on I-540 add their part to the morning. I hope you don’t think I’m complaining because I’m not. I like the growl of the train and hum of tires on asphalt. These noises to me are reassuring. They mean that life is going on as usual; people still have jobs to drive to, the train still has business to attend to. They are like the clank and thump of wood dropping into a stove in the early morning hours when I was a child. Those long ago sounds meant that it was morning; night was over and Dad was up. Everything was okay.

Inside the house, stillness reigns; well, not really. My dog finds something to mutter about as he chomps his first treat of the day. In the kitchen, the coffee maker gurgles. I am convinced that I have the noisiest refrigerator in town. For some reason, it will pop, crack and  bang when I least expect it. It adds a lot to the so-called stillness of the morning. If I were to step outside, I’m sure I’d hear some early birds greeting the dawn.

Do you ever hear a sound you can’t identify? Now, those mysterious noises are truly interruptions that cause our ears to prick up and our curiosity to come into play. The origin of a thud or a click or a crackle must be identified. They could even be the start of a new mystery novel!

Sometimes God speaks in the thunder but more often He speaks in a still, small voice; that knowledge that comes from within or without, telling me the way I should go. Like the noises of the morning, God may seem quiet and silent but if I listen, I hear Him speaking. Not aloud; that would be too much for this earthbound mortal, but within me, as clearly as if  He was beside me. And, in the quietness of early morning, that is the sound to guide me through the day.


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