New Things All the Time

What is there about springtime that is new each year? I’ve seen quite a few springs, but every new one  seems like the first one, and I’m excited to see the flowers and feel the warmth of the sun. 

Yesterday was a perfect spring day. My family gifted me with a brand new flower garden, plants in the pots of my container garden. This is a special gift that I enjoy not once, but all season long. It is even more special because we are working and having fun together. Yes, it is fun! My son even broke into an impromptu dance as he swept potting soil off the porch.

Another brand new thing–for the first time in, lo! these many years, I baked a strawberry-rhubarb pie. It was super easy, and actually fun to put together. Funny thing about rhubarb–it has been around a long time. Is it a fruit or a vegetable? I suppose not many people buy it. At the check-out stand, when I bought the rhubarb, the little cashier picked it up, looked puzzled, glanced at me, and with a half-smile, asked, “What is this?”

Today is another new thing–a brand new day, a new start of another week. It’s the Lord’s Day. Let’s rejoice and be glad in it.



  1. I absolutely LOVE strawberry-rhubarb pie! What a blessing the day was. 🙂

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