It’s a Mystery to Me

It’s a Mystery to Me

Warning: This morning’s blog is really a result of my meandering mind.  I wonder about many things which remain a mystery, at least, to me. However, if you choose to read on, let me assure you that I don’t believe my blog is injurious to your health.

Life is full of mysteries, some big and some not so big; some, important to a lot of people, and some, important to only a few or maybe only to me. Sometimes, I guess it’s better if the mystery remains unsolved. That would be where that old-fashioned and seldom used word, “discretion” comes in. Writers of cozies thrive on those unsolved mysteries. We wonder, “What if?” And there is another book to grace the shelves of stores and libraries.

I have a few old music magazines, The Etude. It was probably discontinued a long time ago. I could look it up on the internet but I think I’d rather just wonder about that one. However, a particular issue in 1921 carried the intriguing picture of a young woman and I did look her up. She is Adelina Patti, an opera singer born in the 1800s. I was intrigued by the picture because she looks somewhat mysterious and also because of her beautiful gown. Which brings up another mystery: why don’t designers and consumers realize that clothing which is pretty and is designed to cover and merely suggest is a lot more attractive than clothing which leaves nothing to the imagination?

When something is working beautifully, why try to change it? Another mystery. Our unique, enduring, well-written Constitution is an  example. It has worked for more than two centuries and is the bedrock for the greatest country in the world. Who would want it to read differently? When I think about changing the Constitution, I am reminded of a children’s story about a little animal who admires an elephant’s trunk, a giraffe’s neck, a bird’s wings and as he admires them, he acquires these things. He ends up not looking like anything, is quite useless, and nobody recognizes him.

Autumn is here; the leaves are changing, birds are beginning to migrate, and my pretty flowers are starting to fade. Why? We haven’t had any frost yet (well, maybe this morning, because the temperature is 32 degrees). I know there are scientific answers for all this and logical reasons why birds know how to navigate to the right places each fall even though they’ve never been there before. It is a mystery, though, to me, and I believe the answer lies with God. I’d like to leave it there.

Why is each human being on this earth quite unlike any other? Could it be because God made us that way? Why do we sometimes try hard to be like everybody else? Why can’t we just celebrate who we are? Why can’t I just be the best me possible and you be the best you? Why can’t women be content to be women and men be glad they are men? This “unisex” business is a mystery to me and, in my opinion, it is entirely wrong. We are not the same. Why should we try to be?

Anyway, I wonder about a lot more things but I’m sure you do too. So, before my rambling, meandering mind and the reason for this blog becomes more of a mystery to you, I’ll stop for now. I want to leave you, though, with a blessing and a hope for this day:

May you view God’s mysteries with wonder and gratitude and may this day be a very good one for you.





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