Music’s Mystique

Music’s Mystique

Music has power. In olden days, armies marched with a song. In biblical times, music was so important that kings sent singers in front of an army, confusing the enemy.

King Saul was comforted when David played the harp, proving that there’s truth in the statement, Music soothes the savage beast.

Imagine what music might do to a future Presidential debate.  What if one of the candidates marched onstage to a recording of “Hail to the Chief”? What confidence!  Isn’t that what we need in a leader?

During all the promises of, “If I’m elected…” when a candidate mentions the freebies that will come with his victory, his opponent could sing, “Somewhere, Over the Rainbow.”file0002141446605

Instead of a deadly dull debate or heated arguments, music would put everybody in a good mood. Why, Democrat and Republican might even take a spin around the floor of the stage to the strains of, “Till I Waltz Again with You.”

To finish it off, candidates, moderator, families of candidates could form a chorus line on stage and perform a lively can-can to “Happy Days Are Here Again.”

Now, wouldn’t that be different and interesting? Music can lighten moods, brighten thoughts, and maybe even sharpen wits. Who knows what would result from a musical debate.




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