I tore off the wrappings and there it was! My proof copy of Moonlight Can Be Murder from Pen-L Publishing. What a thrill. Beautiful picture, lovely script! Peg was driving by at the moment I opened the mailbox, so I shared the first glimpse of it with her. We admired it for a bit beforeĀ I brought it into the house.
Sitting down, I basked in the moonlight. I felt the snow on my toes. I reveled in the beauty of Granger’s Mansion, so much like the Victorian house I admire in Tahlequah.
The heroine in this new series is Ned McNeil. I like Ned. She is plucky, energetic, curious. She has an abiding sense of right and wrong and roots for the underdog. In this case, the underdog seems to be Ned. But, she takes it all in stride, unflinchingly facing the troubles that are awaiting her at Granger’s mansion. Is the old belief correct? Do strange things happen when moonlight gilds the countryside, making the grounds around Granger’s mansion almost as bright as day?
Well, the cover of the book doesn’t answer that question. The answer is found within the pages. That’s where the mystery occurs.
A proof is just that…it is the forerunner of the real book. Any lingering, stubborn, obstinate typos must be hunted down remorselessly, detected, and obliterated. Forever. Completely. Gone! Other eyes as well as mine are involved in the pursuit. We are grim; we are relentless; we are unyielding. And we are determined. Sort of like Ned herself as she tracks down a ruthless killer.
Release Date: November 15. Moonlight Can Be Murder
One step closer can’t wait to meet Ned in this new book. Happy dance
Thanks, Deb. Ned can hardly wait to meet you too!
The book sounds wonderful. Thank you for sharing!
Thank you for writing, Robyn.
You’re welcome and thank you!
Congratulations, it’s on its way!
Thanks, Norma. Yes, November 15 is the release date!
How exciting! One step closer and can’t wait! I’ve really enjoyed all the Darcy/Flora mysteries and I’ll bet Ned’s is every bit as riveting!
Thanks, Peg. Coming from a mystery connoisseur like you, that is high praise!
And anyone who can’t wait can always pre-order at http://www.Pen-L.com/mcbm.html!
Absolutely! Good idea. Thanks, Kimberly Pennell.