Jane’s house looked beautiful, all decked out for Christmas. And, the friends who gathered there for her luncheon yesterday arrived in a jolly Christmas spirit. The food was great, conversation, lively. It was a perfect way to celebrate, lunching with a lively group of women.

Peg and I arrived first, Anita came in after us, then Nancy, Carolyn, and, lastly, Dorothy. Lights twinkled on pussywillow twigs in a vase; on a bureau was six years worth of Carolyn’s Christmas cards, all replicas of some of her Santa oil paintings, the table was aglow with festive settings, and food! My goodness, there was a cake, a pie, cookies, finger sandwiches, crackers, cheese, chicken salad, and, of course, coffee!
It’s so neat that all seven of us, from different backgrounds, with different tastes, experiences, and viewpoints, could meet and enjoy each other’s company and have a wonderful time.
Three of the women were artists, three or more were authors, all were fans of books and writing and, most of all, all were friends. It was a warm, wonderful way to spend a few hours before Christmas. Thanks to Jane for opening her lovely home to us and providing a time of togetherness to remember.
Thanks for being nice. You didn’t say anything about a crazy lady causing trouble. The thorny locust was a gift from the pick-up truck. I want to see how Jane decorates it.
It was so nice to see you.
That crazy lady is a talented, funny, smart person who is such fun to be around. She also went the extra mile to collect an extremely thorny locust and bring it in her truck into town. I’d like to see it decorated too. I think Jane will have to give a thorn tree party, don’t you?