Yesterday, while sitting on my deck, I glanced up at my back yard maple. Colored leaves adorned the top! Evidently autumn comes to the heights before it comes to us lowly earthlings. And the thought came to me, if I hadn’t looked up, I would not have seen those beautiful leaves. Yesterday’s disappointment is indeed banished and something as lovely as fall leaves has taken its place: hope. I was reminded of Psalm 121:1-2, “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.”
I’ve always liked the King James version of these verses which does not put a question mark after “help.” South of Fayetteville are lovely hills. Although I can’t see them from my house, they are there. I know that help comes from the Lord, but looking at the hills, or maples, or any of God’s unique creation does give my heart a lift. And so do messages of hope from most welcome messengers.
A lesson learned: when disappointment comes, look up! Hope is on the way.
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