Brand New News for the three Darcy and Flora Cozy Mysteries: Beginning Friday, you may pre-order one, two, or all three of these books, The Cemetery Club, Grave Shift, Best Left Buried, from Pen-L Publishing for a 10% discount. The discounted prices will continue until November 1, the publication date for the three books.
Several days ago I mentioned that soon some guest writers would appear on this blog spot. Well, that big day begins tomorrow. I’m delighted that six talented writers will share their thoughts with you, my readers for the next six days. Tomorrow, my dear friend and retired teacher Lola Ward will kick things off, followed by Cozy Critter and inspirational writer Helen Hoover; Sharon Mierke, published Canadian author; retired teacher Eva Shipp, Cozy Critter and author Nancy Kay Grace; and my sister-in-law and retired teacher Linda Day. I loved reading their thoughts and experiences and I think you will too.
Who was it that first gave the false impression of retired life as sitting in a rocking chair, knitting? That’s the furthest thing from the truth! Since my teaching days, I am busier than ever but it is a busy-ness made up of things that I enjoy and my passion in life–writing! Each of the guest bloggers is a busy lady, and although some of us may have taken up crocheting or knitting or painting, it’s because we want to, not because that’s all that’s left, for goodness sake! As I read what each woman had written, I was struck by the talent they have for putting words together in a vibrant, captivating way. Thank you, friends! And, beginning tomorrow, let me present…
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