Just Wonderin’

Just Wonderin’

Just Wonderin’…

…what would happen, if, when faced with a dilemma, we suddenly broke out singing?

…when someone says or does something rude, what would happen if we smiled and said, “God bless you”?

…why, when we read promises in the Bible, we don’t believe and claim them, acting upon them?

…why I got a sinking sensation when the plumber’s first words when he looked at the problem were, Oh, wow!

….why the full-length store mirror distorts my reflection into a pudgy, frumpy person I never see when looking into my mirror at home.

…why every writer doesn’t have a critique group? Speaking of which, the Cozy Critters met yesterday. I always look forward to that time together. It is great that Jane is feeling well again. She has a story hatching in her creative mind, or is it a poem? she isn’t  sure of anything but the fact that it’s forming in her imagination and she’s going to write it. Peg had read a truly awful story by a writer who usually writes  a lot better than she did on this last book. Nancy is working on her publisher’s suggestions for her new book and I shared a few of  the aspirations and qualms of a cozy mystery writer.

…what you wonder about, those inexplicable things that don’t seem to have an answer. If you’d like to share some of your thoughts,             please do so in the comments section.

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