Just For the Record

Just For the Record

How many of you keep a journal? If you do, you are a writer, making a record of a day or an event or your hopes and dreams. For many years, I have kept journals. The earliest one is dated 1953. Now, how could I have held a pencil and known how to write when I must have been an infant in 1953 right? I’m sure that’s what you are asking!

Last year, a friend gave me a pretty journal with a jazzy closing which had imitation rubies on it. It was a pretty cover! It sparkled! But, alas, now it is full. I kept meaning to go to Barnes and Noble for another journal but kept putting it off. I wanted one that was unlined. Unlined journals seem to have a lot more freedom. I also wanted one that I could make sketches as I wished. Then, it came to me, I didn’t want the usual journal, I wanted a sketchbook and, there in front of me on my desk, was a sketchbook that was years old but had only a few sketches, some of mine, some of Sara’s. The very thing!003

But the journal looked sort of bland, kind of generic and the cover definitely lacked personality so I decided to give it one. Taking my trusty Prismacolor pencils and an owl picture for inspiration, I drew my own cover, glued it to the sketch book  and voila! A new sketch journal for 2016. I can only hope it is filled with more inspiration and lots and lots of good happenings!

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