Jethro Picks Up the Pen

Darcy and Flora don’t know this about me: even though I’m a cat, I don’t think of myself as such. I am a member of the Campbell/Tucker family and watching over them is my life’s objective. There’re a couple more things they haven’t yet surmised: I like cheese and I keep a hidden journal.

The pages of my July journal are a bit smudged and limp because this is the rainiest July Ventris County and even northeast Oklahoma has ever experienced. I don’t like rain! It dampens the fur and I have to spend hours trying to get presentable. Wouldn’t you know, my family’s new house is beside a creek! Well! They never consulted my thoughts on this building site.imag0371

Maybe it was the storms, one after the other; maybe it was a certain uneasiness in the air, but we all three were in mortal jeopardy more than once this month. My two humans, Darcy and Flora, didn’t realize the danger, but I did. A cat has a sixth sense about such things. I distrusted that man from the start. I wanted to tell Darcy and Flora, but didn’t know how. I’m just glad we all escaped with our lives. What man, you ask? I do not even want to write his name! That’s how detestable he was and how creepy he made me feel.

In spite of those two things: the rain and the man, I pretty much enjoy my new living quarters. I became acquainted with a dear old hen out in the henhouse, made friends with a ‘possum and a groundhog, and learned to stay far, far away from larger animals which roam the hills of Ventris County. 008-001

Doubtless, Darcy and Flora will encounter more evil people and get involved in more tangles and coils, so I must be on my toes, ever watchful, ever vigilant. If only I could talk and warn them of the danger I sense! And, just maybe, some time in the future, someone will offer me a bite of cheese! Kindle


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