Irreplaceable Man of the House

Irreplaceable Man of the House

Joseph must have been a good man, but beyond that, God chose him to be the perfect earthly father for Jesus. Joseph was protective of Mary and her Son. He could have divorced her or “put her away privately” when she told him she was pregnant, but he did neither because he loved Mary.

Scripture portrays him as strong and caring.  I believe that after Jesus was born, he loved the little boy too. Jesus learned in Joseph’s carpentry shop, working closely with Joseph. They must have shared a lot of “together” times.

Joseph was certainly an important figure in the life of the Lord and is a good example for fathers who came after him. Nobody can take the place of Dad in the home. It doesn’t take a village to raise a child; it takes caring parents. Many times, for many different reasons, a single parent has to bring up the children and does an admirable job of it. But, the perfect combination is a mom and dad who love each other, stay together, and love and guide the children. 

Children need love as much as they need food and shelter. They bloom and flourish when they know they are loved and valued. Dads as well as Moms have the most important job in the world. Some dads step into a vacancy  to raise and love another man’s children as their own. Being a father doesn’t always mean being a birth father. The rewards are great.

Hands-on Dads are irreplaceable. Beyond sharing in diaper duty, as the child grows, it’s vital that Dad is with his son and daughter, teaching, guiding, and just having fun. Times with Dad are special moments. Nothing else can compare. So, tomorrow as we celebrate the man of the house, enjoy your day, dads. You are special people.


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