

We are in a weather advisory area. A winter storm may be impending. Will we have snow? How much? It’s one of those forecasts that aren’t hard and fast, but wintry weather is a distinct possibility. Weather is like that–hard to pin it down to absolutes.

However, pigs know. Before a cold spell, they’ll start carrying sticks to make a bed. Seen any wooly caterpillars lately? Have you checked out the width of that yellow band around their middle? How about wild geese? Are some of the stragglers winging their way to warmer climates, doing their best to make up for lost time? Is there an abundant crop of acorns so that squirrels will have food this winter?

In my own yard, it doesn’t matter about the acorns, the squirrels depend on robbing bird feeders. That’s a lot easier than gathering those nuts from off the ground. I don’t think this sets well with the winter time birds, but they aren’t as big as the squirrels, so what can they do?

If I still lived on the farm, I’d be sure there was an abundant supply of fireplace wood, carried into the garage to keep it dry. Each fall, we would buy ricks of wood to last us through the winter, then when a storm was impending, we’d be sure to move it into a dry place, handy to reach when building a fire.

I imagine grocery stores are experiencing a sudden increase in business. That’s the usual thing. So, we watch the gray sky and wonder. It’s kind of exciting to not know exactly what kind of weather we’ll wake up to in the morning.




  1. Susan Bernhardt says

    This was an interesting post to get another’s view of cold, winter weather.
    It’s supposed to snow here the next four days and on some of those days have a high temperature in the teen. My husband was supposed to go jam with friends today 1.25 hours away. He cancelled, and I was glad. The roads there were already covered in ice.

    • I know you get tired of snow. We probably would too, but, somehow, there’s an excitement in the air when looking for that first really substantial snowfall. We had a bit Friday, but it was just a dusting. Take care during those slick driving times.

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