Horses, Paintings, and Nashville

Horses, Paintings, and Nashville

Yesterday was that special time again–the Cozy Critters gathered for our critique! The paintings at the top are by Carolyn Bayley, who was commissioned to paint them and a few more. So, Carolyn is going to be very busy. She came bringing gifts that few people can give any more–farm-fresh eggs. Carolyn lives on a farm and is always busy with her animals, her paintings, and writing. She’s a happy addition to the critique.

Nancy, fresh back from a trip to Nashville and the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association (AWSA) was enthusiastic about the things she had discovered there, the encouragement and inspiration she felt. She also was moved to write the music to Psalm 23, a praise to God for His protection and watch care. Nancy’s nephew’s wife, Christy Grace, is a talented writer/artist who takes a scribble and turns it into beautiful picture. Nancy brought Christy’s book, 100 Days of Scribble, to share with us. It’s a lovely book, well worth anyone’s time to enjoy it.

Jane brought a painting she’s working on of a little girl she had photographed while on one of her recent trips. Jane, the talented and innovative artist, will also be bringing a painting she did years ago, composed entirely of lint from the clothes dryer. She read an essay, How Old Do You Feel? Children see joy in nature and in the simplest thing. So, how old? It’d be great if we all had the mind and intellect of an adult but the heart of a child.

Jane has written Magnificent Me, a poem about a frog who is “a simple frog who lives down by the old river bog.” Another painting-inspired poem she shared concerned Edith the cow and Winnie the pig, more poetry inspired by Carolyn’s paintings

It was a fun day of laughter and sharing. It’s always special when friends can get together.


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