The Heavens Declare the Glory of God

The Heavens Declare the Glory of God

Today, many well protected (I hope) eyes will be turned up to the sun or down to a homemade device, to see it disappear as the shadow of the moon moves across its face. What an amazing sight that will be! If I lived on a farm, I would be interested to see how the chickens and livestock respond to this phenomenon. As it is, the only critter I can observe will be Nemo.

God declares His majesty every day in many ways that we take for granted but an eclipse is so monumental, it seems there should be a drum roll or the sound of trumpets. Instead, the shadow will move steadily and silently. Here in NW Arkansas, we should have about ninety per cent coverage. That’s enough to be quite noticeable. You can be sure that I’ll have pencil and paper ready and will write about what I observe. I hope you do too.

We take so many things for granted and give credit to everything and anything, but God, the Creator of all. Why does earth, out of all the planets, have an atmosphere that allows life on the earth? Why are we just the right distance from the sun for warmth? Any closer and we’d burn up; any farther away and we’d be ice. Creations as tiny as a firefly and as gigantic as an elephant are made with infinite care and precision. And man, the image of God, the greatest creation of all. Did we all happen by accident and did we slowly evolve to be able to exist in our habitat? I think not! Why do we deny the existence of a Creator when the proof is all around us? It is a mystery to me.

Today, it won’t be business as usual in the heavens. We are used to the sun always shining, even if it’s behind a cloud. And the moon? Well, it behaves itself, revolving around the earth as we revolve around the sun, but today, it’s different. Everything will go on as usual, except for a brief time when the sun will hide its face as the moon gets between. And we, mere earthlings, will marvel. There’s nothing we can do to create an eclipse and nothing we can do will stop it. An eclipse, as well as all the universe, is in the hands of God. And, His ways are mysterious and past understanding. Truly, the heavens declare the glory of God (Psalm 19:1).



  1. Blanche, thanks for this wonderful post to remind us all of our Creator and that all of creation is to His glory!

    “For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever! Amen.”

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