Good Days, Bad Days

Good Days, Bad Days

This is the first day of school for many Arkansas children. Once again, I see them trudging up the hill, or hurrying along, backpacks in place, to catch the bus. It has been a long vacation, an enforced vacation, and it wasn’t all that great. I hope it is a good day for them and for teachers as well.

We all have them–those good days and those bad days. The good days are wonderful, adrenalin flowing, sun shining, all’s right with the world or, at least, there’s hope that it’s getting better. But then, there’re those other days, days when bad news arrives via email or in the actual mailbox, days when our spirits plummet and we think the sun will never shine again. Days like that are not much fun.

Truth is, we can’t always feel on top of the world. The trick is to realize that bad days are temporary and not nearly as important as we think they are. We have to re-adjust, re-think, gather our energetic forces and keep plugging along. If the road seems to be uphill, that’s okay. The good thing about hills is that if they go up, they’ll have to go down too. 

So, to all the back-to-schoolers and everyone else who got up this morning to face a new day, Godspeed. “May the road rise up to meet you, May the wind be always at your back, The sun shine warm upon your face, and, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.”



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