Fran’s House

Fran’s House

It was hard to find a parking place at Fran’s house yesterday. Even after Peg and I arrived, friends kept coming! I was over-joyed to see Judy! This Cozy Critter from Texas came all the way back to Arkansas for Fran’s farewell luncheon/retreat. In fact, five of us Critters were there: Judy, Jane, Peg, Nancy, and me.007 It was great. Fran’s house held probably thirty guests. I stopped counting after twenty-five.011

As usual, Fran started the retreat with an insightful and informative video. Yesterday’s theme was A Highway for Our God, taken from Isaiah 40.  She had printed notes for us to look over when we got home.

In other words, we all did our best to pretend that this was a retreat and luncheon as usual, not the last one.



However, Fran’s large upright piano in the living room was gone. She had given it to a charity group.

A crocheted book mark from Fran

A crocheted book mark from Fran

The lovely container garden in her front yard was strangely empty. I was the happy recipient of a few of those plants. She had given away everything that wasn’t rooted in the ground. And, there was a For Sale sign on the front lawn.

Miss Kitty came to greet us and then found a sunny window sill. She lay there for quite some time, thinking about things.015 Doubtless, she was wondering about her new house and whether it too would have a sunny windowsill for her. I’m thinking it will.

Fran said she loves the happy chatter of women around her table. There was plenty of chatter yesterday. At the table and also in the living room because the table wouldn’t hold us all. The conversation was bright and cheerful, a good way to keep tears at bay.

At last, it was time to go. As I said yesterday, I don’t like good-byes. “God be with you” did nicely. And, a sincere thank you. Thank you, Fran, for your friendship and hospitality. Thanks for the warmth of happy memories. As the Irish say on parting, “Safe home.”



  1. Blanche, thank you for your warm words and warm hugs, too!
    I’m printing this out for keeping, too.
    And thanks for prayers…I’m going on prayer power! Bless you!!!

  2. I’m sure you are indeed going on prayer power. Moving is a big, stressful job. You’ll make it though and I’m sure you’ll love your new home and be a blessing to others there as you are here. However, we are really going to miss you, more than we can say. And, thank you for everything.

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