Enjoying the Day

Enjoying the Day

Yesterday, my camera and I went exploring. This first picture actually was taken through my back patio door and it was not a cardinal this time, but a bluejay who was contemplating life from the bird feeder. 


And then, a junco or snow bird happened to pause a moment to consider whether he should keep feasting at my feeder or move on to other feeders. Would the pastures be greener elsewhere? Since one junco looks pretty much like another, I don’t know whether he flew or stayed.


Feeling more adventurous, my trusty camera and I trudged into the front yard. The crusted snow crunched under my feet and prowled through the winter cold. In the summer, these bushes wear flowers and pretty green leaves but in the winter, they bloom with icicles.

011And, guess what? The temperature today should climb above freezing and those wonderful ice sculptures will be a thing of the past until–maybe tomorrow? A possibility of more snow and ice, the weatherman says.  But, hey! This is nearly Valentine’s Day and, can spring be far away?

This morning reminds me of putting a fresh, white page into the typewriter (as we did in the days before computers). Whatever we write on the clean page of the day, let’s try to make it a happy memory when we look back. I’m grateful for another day the Lord has given us, grateful for my family around me, the food on the table. I think homemade chili is on the menu for today and for some reason, chili seems to call for a chocolate dessert. So, “This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24).



  1. The verse at the end reminds me of a song our church youth group used to sing!

  2. love your pictures

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