

The moon looks as if a giant mouse has taken a bite from the left side of it. I’m watching the eclipse. It is awe-inspiring. Silently, slowly, earth’s shadow is crossing over the face of the moon, blotting out that giant night light in the sky. It’s wonderful to watch and to know this is something ordained by God and there’s not a thing that mankind can do about it. Except watch it and marvel.

This is being called a “blood moon” and there are many who believe it is a portent. I think it is very thought-provoking that it occurs just before Easter, the day that Christ arose from the grave.

Scripture says there will be signs in the heavens. And here on earth, there is certainly a lot of upheaval, unrest and many people turning away from the truth and actually embracing evil, declaring what is wrong to be right and what is right to be wrong. Personally, I’ve never seen such a mess.

Nevertheless, truth exists just as God ordained it. We have but to look at Scripture to find it. Just like the eclipse, truth is truth; there’s not one thing mankind can do to change it. People ignore it, laugh at it, try to twist it to fit the circumstance but people cannot change what God has said.

And the eclipse continues. Less than half of the moon is visible now. When the Creator of the universe died, more than two thousand years ago, the earth reacted with darkness and earthquakes. God had turned His face away because He could not look on sin and Jesus was made sin for us. What an awesome time that must have been! 

Early-bird robins are chirping, cars are whirring past on the Interstate, the velvet morning is beautiful. Am I the only person on my street who is watching? Don’t they know about the eclipse?

Only the smallest sliver on the right side of the moon is visible now and wouldn’t you know? Is it going to sink beneath some trees before the light is totally gone?

Okay, by walking to a different part of the yard, I can still see the moon but it is going to be quickly overtaken by the sun. It’s nearly sun-up! The eclipse was beautiful but so is the day and just as good overcomes evil, sunshine overcomes  darkness and the day before Easter has begun!





  1. Sharon Rose Mierke says

    Did you have an eclipse where you are? We had the full moon which I know corresponds with the Passover. But then, I was thinking maybe you were relating it back to Jesus’ death when the darkness came which was probably an eclipse. Whatever it was, along with the earthquake, definitely caused many to realize Jesus was God’s Son. A very sobering thought that Jesus could pay that ransom so we could be counted as righteous.

    • Yes, we did. Maybe not a full eclipse but a partial one. I think it was full in some places of the world but just not here. It’s certainly a beautiful, sobering thing.

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