Dog Days

July 3 through August 11 (approximately) are the “dog days of summer.” But, why are these hottest, most humid days, related to our canine friends? Perhaps, it’s because of the rising of Sirius, the Dog Star. At least, this is what some of the ancients  believed. These sticky days of summer affected them too. 

Summers have always been hot or very hot. At least, in this part of the world. Winters are cold or very cold. The earth turns, seasons change and when the cooler days get here, we are thankful! Many of us are looking forward to fall.

I remember eating watermelons during these hot days. Anything as cool, wet, and refreshing as a watermelon was a treat. So was an ice cream cone. The trick was eating it before it melted.

Barefoot days with dust squishing up between my toes, a trip to the creek for a swim, riding in the back of a pick-up and feeling the wind blowing against my face (I know–dangerous and not done now, but this was then). Sitting in the shade of a tree and saying, “Feel that? That was a cool breeze.” When days are this hot, anything that offered a bit of relief was appreciated.

July is waning and August is around the corner. Soon, these Dog Days of summer will be past and a new season will be inching toward us. That’s the way it has always been and, hopefully, the way it will continue.


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