Damp and Daring But Never Difficult

Damp and Daring But Never Difficult

Yesterday was a damp sort of day but our daring critiquers braved the showers for a cozy critique replete with coffee, brownies, chocolate-covered mints and much fun and laughter. Sometimes our cozy critiques erupt in passionate opinions and moments of looking back at the way we were taught instead of using the Oxford comma. We wax exuberant in word usage and our understanding of punctuation. Now, that’s where our varied opinions come in and we might not all look at a sentence or a paragraph or a single word in the same way. But, being difficult? Nay! Be it far from us.


It was Jane who, in 2013, described our critique group: We are sometimes like scientists discovering new ideas, doctors discussing alternative ways for treatment, critics with a gentle tongue and avid readers of all things written…but most of all…friends! and believe me, we know how to keep secrets!



What was true in 2013 is true today. We always use gentle tongues and yesterday we discussed alternative ways of treatment vehemently but kindly.

Peg. who represents the readers for whom we write, shared with us the titles and a brief run-down of some of the books she has been reading. Sheila Connolly’s Seeds of Deception was on her reading list as well as Escape Clause by John Sanford. Readers of these books will realize that sometimes Peg likes to branch out from reading cozies. She also enjoys Paige Shelton and has finished a cozy short story, A Christmas Tartan. She had high praise for this book. It included all the elements she looks for to give her a warm, fuzzy feeling.

Jane awed us with many examples of her artwork. You see, Jane cleaned out her art closet and she found some paintings she had forgotten. Jane works in varied media and has a wonderful collection of her own artwork. She could have an art gallery in her home. She is that good! In fact, if memory serves, she has won some art awards through the years. She also illustrates her own stories and poems.

Several years ago, Jane was among the group of Community College Art Students in Mena who made a couple of trips to Tulsa, to the Gilcrease Museum and also to Philbrook. She brought two poems to read about those fun trips and the awe-inspiring works of the master artists, paintings that are still as beautiful as when they were rendered centuries ago.

And now, I come to the sad part of yesterday’s critique. Our fellow Cozy Critter, Helen, is leaving the group due to family health issues.  I can’t even begin to express how I appreciate Helen and how I have enjoyed her uplifting writings, her infectious laugh, and her warm and generous spirit. She is a prolific writer and has no problem finding literary homes for her work. Her latest achievements:

Wonder Who’s Calling in Stupid Moments book, compiled and edited by Yvonne Lehman, Grace Publishing
Come, Adore Him in Additional Christmas Moments book, compiled and edited by Yvonne Lehman, Grace Publishing
The royalties from both books go to Samaritan’s Purse.
We heard and critiqued The Wonderful World of Books by her husband Larry. It will be in Chicken Soup for the Soul.  

My exciting news:Rejoicing Teddy Bear I am honored and happy to be included in Angela Holland’s blog and Facebook page. Take a look at her really neat treatment of my interview. Thank you, Angela!


Blog: http://ahollandreads.blogspot.com/2016/10/blanche-manos-cozy-mystery-author.html

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ahollandreads/photos/a.1481465268806189.1073741828.1479647345654648/1789799107972802/?type=3&theater

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