Courage and a Cardinal

Courage and a Cardinal

My niece Kim had an inspiring picture and quote on her Facebook page. I shared it on my own. A cardinal sits on a snowy pine. The caption is, “No matter what yesterday was like, birds always start the new day with a song.” I’ve noticed that, just by being who he is, no more and no less, a redbird’s song always makes me feel a whole lot better. Maybe it’s because it sounds like he is saying, “Cheer up; cheer up.”

Sometimes it’s hard to start the day with a song. A dream seems just out of reach; feelings are hurt; bodies grow fatigued; a harsh word clouds a sunny day. There’s something, though, about lifting up our heads and looking at a new day with hope that puts a song in the heart. And, if the song isn’t in our hearts, it can be in our mouths! That’s a funny thing but true.

Several times in the Old Testament, God commands the children of Israel to sing. He told the commander of the Israelite army to put the singers out in front. I can imagine when the battle was going against God’s people and the enemy looked mean and forbidding, the last thing they felt like doing was sing. But, they obeyed. I believe that as they sang, their courage rose. Songs do that. It’s miraculous. And, with the singers in front of the army, the army was probably encouraged too. That is, the Israelite army was encouraged; the invading army was totally discombobulated and wondered what was happening with this group of upstarts and were defeated.

Somehow, a cardinal flew into The Cemetery Club and landed on page 12 in Goshen Cemetery.

And, was it the same one or a different one that perched on a tree in an old orchard in Best Left Buried.

You see, Darcy and Flora like redbirds too.

That cheerful cardinal may have had a very bad day yesterday. Maybe there was a close encounter with a cat. Perhaps snow covered almost all of his food source; but, hey! That was yesterday! Today everything may go his way and if it doesn’t, so what? He’s God’s creature. He’s unique and God gave him a song that only he can sing. So he’ll sing it, whether he feels like it or not. And, so will I.

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  1.  your blog reminds me of this song we sing in church.

    1. Earth and all stars, loud rushing planets,

    sing to the Lord a new song!

    O victory, loud shouting army,

    sing to the Lord a new song!



    He has done marvelous things.

    I, too, will praise him with a new song!



    2. Hail, wind, and rain, loud blowing snowstorms,

    sing to the Lord a new song!

    Flowers and trees, loud rustling leaves,

    sing to the Lord a new song! Refrain


    3. Trumpet and pipes, loud clashing cymbals,

    sing to the Lord a new song!

    Harp, lute, and lyre, loud humming cellos,

    sing to the Lord a new song! Refrain


    4. Engines and steel, loud pounding hammers,

    sing to the Lord a new song!

    Limestone and beams, loud building workers,

    sing to the Lord a new song! Refrain


    5. Classrooms and labs, loud boiling test tubes,

    sing to the Lord a new song!

    Athlete and band, loud cheering people,

    sing to the Lord a new song! Refrain




  2. Nancy Kay Grace says

    Thank you for the reminder that as they sang their courage rose. So true. the Lord uses music to embolden us. Keep singing, Blanche!

    • blanchedaymanos says

      Thanks, Nancy. As the song goes, “With a Song in My Heart”. But it also helps to have it on our lips.

  3. Sharon Rose Mierke says

    I have just started reading through Matthew again and am always amazed at Mt.10:29 – 31:
    “Two sparrows sell for a coin of small value, do they not? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground without your Father’s knowledge. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. So have no fear, you are worth more than many sparrows.”
    I shared your niece’s picture and quote on my FB page too.

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