

Conditioning. This morning, I woke up with that word going through my mind. Do you know why? I glanced at the news on my iPad. Bad decision! I wanted to know what the volcano in the Philippines was doing and if there were more earthquakes in the States. I found out. The volcano has slowed down, but experts don’t know if it’s just taking a good breath before it really blows its top or if it’s truly about to stop erupting. Do you know what  some of the Philippine people are doing? They’re wanting to go back home. 

Yes, we’ve had more earthquakes–even another small one in north central Oklahoma. But, there are many earthquakes every day. Lots of them along the San Andreas fault, some fairly close to the New Madrid fault, and others, not close to either of these. But, I read of this every day. I’m getting used to seeing these reports. I’m getting conditioned to seeing a listing of earthquakes.

I hear reports of things on the news that, when I first heard them, I was horrified. But, I’ve heard them over and over. I hope that things will change, that the terrible and horrifying will stop being common place and will become rare. Am I being conditioned to accept the ugly as the new normal? I sincerely hope not. Or, are these things still bad and wrong and shocking and I’ve been conditioned to sort of “turn them off” and not think about them?

These are just my thoughts on this chilly morning when the temperature seems to be on its way down. Not very light and joyful thoughts, it’s true, but there they are! Conditioning is just something I wonder about.


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