Coffee, Morning, and Goofiness

A redbird is on my lawn. Not finding what he is looking for there, he flies across the street to another yard. He’s so beautiful–bright and flamboyant. I ask the Lord to protect him from cats. It’s okay to pray for redbirds, isn’t it? Did his wife send him out for coffee and he’s frantically trying to find some? 

My own cup of coffee is empty. I ask Nemo if he’ll go refill it. He meanders over and looks up at me, wondering  what I’ll say next. Seeing I’m not going to ask any other goofy questions, he sighs and returns to napping. 

It is dangerous to be deprived of morning coffee. I remember being on a treadmill a few years back, doing one of those dreaded stress tests. The attendant  was trying to make small talk to keep my mind off the fact that I was not having a great deal of fun and I hadn’t had any coffee for twenty-four hours.  He asked me something about how I was enjoying summer. I mentioned that I write murder mysteries. I’ve quit trying to explain that I write cozy mysteries because most people don’t understand how a mystery can be cozy, and, when a writer has been deprived of caffeine for twenty-four hours, murder seems to fit. 

The current mystery in progress is calling my name and in my brain swirl thoughts of subterfuge and secret motives. I’ve got to figure them out and put them into coherent order and I truly need another cup of coffee. Since Nemo hasn’t learned that particular skill, it’s obvious that I’ll have to travel to the kitchen and pour my own.

Books by Blanche Day Manos


  1. We get squirrels and birds in our yard a lot, probably because some of the leaves are still there for them to eat! About Coffee – I’ve done without it for many years since my tummy can’t handle it. I do eat chocolate cookies in the evening which give me a fix. lol

  2. If you ever run out of squirrels, let me know. I have squirrel overload. They are destructive. Yes, I like chocolate too, but still gotta have that coffee.

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