Coffee and Chilblains

The morning sun gently warms a pale blue sky; all is still, even the wind. March smiles serenely this morning, but, beware! March is untrustworthy. Today and tomorrow will lull us into thinking spring has come, but, Friday! Surprise! Winter comes roaring back. (At least, that’s what our meteorologist says. I haven’t consulted the Almanac or my weather stick.)

It must be hard for nature to switch from one season to the next. Winter enjoys the spotlight and doesn’t want to bow off and make way for spring, so it is a sore loser. With only a few weeks to go, it makes sure that we know it’s still around. We humans have to adjust as best we can. 

To avoid getting chilblains or frostbite, be sure you have a good supply of coffee or tea. Lots of books help too. Weather loses its bite when we are safely tucked up with coffee and lots of cozy mysteries. Remember the little rhyme: “O March, is this the reason that you’re such a restless thing–you’re not at home with winter and you’re not at home with spring.”


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