Christmas Is Coming!

Christmas Is Coming!


Do you know what will happen in exactly six months? Listen! Do you hear sleigh bells? Is the sun just a bit too much at times and you long for cooler, crisper weather? Don’t despair. You’re halfway there! Today, June 25, is the half way mark in the year on the journey toward that holiday of happy spirits and good cheer! Christmas is coming.

Sometimes, we have to use our imaginations a bit and sort of stretch them out. But, it can be done. When heat waves bounce off the sidewalk and walking across an asphalt parking lot is akin to a trek through the Sahara, it’s nice to remember that this too shall pass. 

If you need some help in bringing back those bracing, chilly mornings and nights when a fire on the hearth is welcome, prompt your imagination by delving into a cozy mystery that can transport you across the next six months in a matter of minutes. Moonlight Can Be Murder opens with the heroine’s car tunneling through snow. It closes with a candlelight service celebrating Christmas. But, in between–well, that’s the important stuff. A reunion with old friends, a re-kindled romance, an enduring mystery, intrigue, a carriage house that is more than just a tumble-down building, a few brushes with danger, and, oh yes, a murder or two where the culprit must be brought to justice, but how? All these within the covers of a book that takes place entirely in the month of December.

So, cool off and celebrate. The year is half-finished. Christmas is coming!

Manos Mysteries


  1. And you know how excited this news makes me!! : )

    • Yes. And how we would look forward to coming to your house and seeing it all decked out for Christmas. You definitely have a gift, Fran.

  2. Thank you! I sure miss my NWA girls! : )

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