Christmas can be a time of looking back, a nostalgic time of remembering Christmases Past. If I’m not careful, it can become a sad time as I miss those loved ones who are no longer here. When memories threaten to take over, I give myself a mental shake and a good talking to. This is the birthday of the most miraculous event ever! This is the day to celebrate God’s Son. It is His birthday.
Children still hold the wonder of Christmas in their eyes. Their enthusiasm and joy is contagious and it is good to hobnob with kids at this time of year. They accept without doubting that Jesus came to earth and was once a child, just as they are.
In our family, we are lighting the candles on the Advent wreath and reading the prophecies and biblical writings about Jesus. This centers our thoughts on the real and joyous reason for Christmas. The quiet glow of the candles are symbols of the Light of the world and God’s love which is with us at Christmas and all year.
Christmas is also a time of being grateful for the family and friends around us. Each person is unique, interesting, priceless, and precious.
A time of looking back, a time of celebrating the present, and a time of looking forward. Once, Jesus came as a baby but one day He will come back as a King. Amazing! Just knowing this should be enough to banish any shadow of sadness and fill my heart with joy. Christmas is many things, a many-faceted gift, but most of all, it is the birthday of my Savior.
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