Green fields of every shade imaginable could be the reason Ireland is known as the emerald isle. The country itself is small, about the size of the state of Indiana. Population is 6.4 million with a million of the people living in Dublin. It reminds me of a jewel, truly an emerald surrounded by a […]

Eras of the Past and Present
·As I mentioned yesterday on Facebook, I found an old picture of myself all decked out for a heritage talk. I found it as I was cleaning out stuff in the back bedroom. Through the years, all kinds of things have accumulated. In fact, I was happily surprised to find a few things I had […]

The Hub of Her Existence–Conclusion
·The first half of The Hub of Her Existence was published yesterday. If you missed it, you should probably read it so this will make more sense. I don’t usually let my fancy take flight like this and I wouldn’t say it’s a happy story but I’d call it a romance and, of course, it […]

The Hub of Her Existence
OK, here it is, a plain, old-fashioned spooky story I wrote more than three decades ago. This is the first half. I don’t know that I like the ending which will be tomorrow. If you have some ideas of how you’d like the story to end, please send them along in the comment section. Prepare […]