A Further Development

Chapter 5 Miss Georgia banged her hoe into her flower bed, causing a startled toad to hop out of the way. Gardening was an excellent release of too much adrenalin or worry or whatever ailed a person. And, after a morning of visiting four different shops in town and talking with Smudge Littleton at the […]

A Little Bit of Gossip

  Chapter 4 Miss Georgia surely did enjoy her Sunday School class of women, all of them being about her and Abigail’s age. If truth be known, she particularly enjoyed the socializing that took place before Priss Butters began to expound the Scriptures. Before Miss Georgia joined the class, Abigail said, things were a lot […]

Shocking News

Shocking News

Chapter 3      Lathe sat down at the table, nodded to Abigail and Monroe, and cleared his throat. “I might as well tell you straight out that Thurston Cubbins was found dead this morning.”      There was a collective gasp at the table. Thurston Cubbins, President of the only bank in town, dead?      “Was […]

A Visit from the Sheriff

Chapter Two      Memories flashed through Miss Georgia’s mind of a boy who had teased her all the way through her growing up years, a boy who lived on a farm just a short way from her family’s home, a boy who left to join the War when he was much too young and who, […]

The Neighbor

The Neighbor

Miss Georgia smiled as she gazed around her sunny living room on that early spring morning. Her decision to move into town had been a good one. Her friend, Abigail, lived in the middle of three houses. She was on one side of Abigail, and, on the other side, a new neighbor recently moved into […]

Tell Me a Story

Tell Me a Story

Tell me a story. Even now, many years later ( I mean many years) I can remember following my mom around, asking her to tell me another story. I was too young to read, so how I can remember back that many decades, I don’t know, but I still remember the absolute joy of snuggling […]