Miss Georgia Reaches a Decision

Chapter 11 Monroe walked Miss Georgia home, went inside her house with her, made her a cup of hot, bracing tea, and sat down facing her.      “Are you feeling better, Miss Georgia?” he asked, his face creased with worry.      “Thank you, Roe. I’m fine. I should be the one serving you. You are […]

Too Close for Comfort

Too Close for Comfort

Chapter 10 Miss Georgia saw the car when it was quite a way down the street. She’d never seen many of them. Interesting, the noise they made and the speed was alarming! This must be the automobile that Verna Lou had mentioned in their Sunday school class. She wondered if the driver was a stranger, […]

Advice From a Friend

  Chapter 9 Letitia’s front room was small, but bright and cozy. Smiling, she invited Miss Georgia to sit in her rocker.      “What a nice surprise, Georgia,” she said. “I’m glad you decided to move into town. Your parents’ farm was a mighty long way out and you, being by yourself and all, were […]

Questions and Answers

Chapter 8 After Grace left, Miss Georgia plopped down in the chair she had vacated, scooped Elmira onto her lap and, absently mindedly stroking the cat, willed herself to calm down.      “I’d no idea I would be the subject of conversation around town,” she told Elmira. “Did you? I mean, my goodness! Don’t people […]

A Visit from a Friend

Chapter 7 However, about an hour before darkness fell, the skies unleashed a torrent of rain accompanied by wicked lightning. Anybody with any sense wouldn’t be out in such weather, Miss Georgia knew. She’d just have to forego her planned visit to the cemetery.      Next morning, though, nature smiled as if she’d never been […]

A Sweet Treat

A Sweet Treat

Chapter 6 Miss Georgia baked that tried and true picker-upper that always made folks feel just a bit better, a coconut cream pie. It was still warm from the oven when she placed it in a basket and took it two doors down to Roe Williams’ house. As she passed Abigail’s home, her friend waved […]